Hi! So you're probably wondering...
"Why would Jaya be the right person to help me get my business going?"
I have been passionate about helping people for many many years. It started with my own healing journey through trauma and dis-ease. I became fascinated with all healing arts. Through the years, I worked my way through many different healing arts trainings including hypnotherapy, kundalini yoga teacher training, cleansing consulting, sound healing, reiki, massage and more!
What I found was, even though each school had a small section on marketing, I largely felt LOST when it came to promoting my business. Here I was, all fresh and ready to help people, and I had no idea how to get clients through my door.
I have been passionate about helping people for many many years. It started with my own healing journey through trauma and dis-ease. I became fascinated with all healing arts. Through the years, I put myself through many different healing arts training schools including hypnotherapy, kundalini yoga teacher training, cleansing consulting, sound healing, reiki, massage and more! I set out to be an awesome healer. Along the way, I worked on my own issues and healing journey. blessedwellness.com
What I found was, even though each school had a small section on marketing, I largely felt LOST when it came to promoting my business. Here I was, all fresh and ready to help people, and I had no idea how to get clients through my door.

And then...
This started my next passion, designing, marketing and networking businesses! I devoured all the training I could with industry leaders (Digital Marketer, Laura Roeder, Marie Forleo, Amy Porterfield, etc.). As I was learning, I realized I was more passionate about studying the marketing than I was about having one-on-one healing sessions with my clients. On and on I studied (and continue to study) and slowly started seeing results from my efforts while growing this obsession of studying online marketing and design.
Being a single mom of a small child, I had little free time and needed to support my family, so I decided to offer my services in marketing and web-design. I had been doing administrative assistant and operations management type work for years before getting into the healing arena, so this wasn’t new territory. All of the sudden, I had tons of people raising their hands who wanted my help! I realized I’d found a way to help people where they most needed it and where I had innate skill and experience. Best of all, it’s loads of fun!
I took a job helping a friend start a business, then went on to create this business to offer my services as a business coach, freelance marketer, writer, and designer. Since then, I’ve had the pleasure to meet and help some amazing entrepreneurs and conscious companies offering wonderful solutions to the world.
In 2017, I worked with Amber Vilhauer and her amazing Marketing and Design Agency NGNG Enterprises (No Guts No Glory).
And now...
During that time and since then, I’ve designed lots of web pages, created and ran tech support for webinars, created lots of beautiful graphics, and coached my talented clients in their businesses. I’ve put my hands in many pots building a diverse and strong skillset. When necessary, I also refer out to talented professional collaborators if someone needs help beyond my scope of expertise.
So here we are and I’d like to ask you, “What do you REALLY WANT for your business? What is stopping you from achieving it?”I’m here to help. Let’s talk. Let’s get you rolling with an amazing web presence!